The process of obtaining Ukrainian citizenship is quite straightforward and simple. It is regulated by the Law of Ukraine On Ukrainian Citizenship (hereinafter the “Law”) and by the Decree of the President of Ukraine On Matters Regarding Arranging for Implementation of the Law of Ukraine On Ukrainian Citizenship.
The Law provides for the following cases when a foreigner can obtain the Ukrainian passport:
he/she was born in Ukraine;
his/her parent or grandparent or child or grandchild or sibling was born or permanently lived in the Ukrainian territory;
he/she obtained Ukrainian citizenship (became naturalized);
his/her Ukrainian citizenship is restored;
he/she is adopted by Ukrainian citizens;
he/she was appointed a guardian;
when at least one of the parents is a Ukrainian citizen;
in other cases, envisaged by international agreements of Ukraine.
Below let’s consider the most frequently asked case – naturalization:
A foreigner can be naturalized if he/she meets some certain criteria clearly defined by law. This criteria varies slightly for foreigners, stateless persons and refugees.
Below we will provide the criteria for the most common cases, i.e. when a foreigner:
recognizes and abides by Ukrainian law;
agrees on renunciation from current citizenship;
has been legally living in Ukraine for the last 5 years or for those married to a Ukrainian citizen – for 2 years, and for refugees – for 3 years;
obtained an immigration permit;
knows the Ukrainian language at the level allowing to communicate;
has legitimate financial resources for living (except for refugees).
Ukrainian citizenship will not be granted if a candidate:
committed a crime against humanity;
sentenced in Ukraine for a serious or felony that is not cancelled or expunged;
committed an action abroad that is recognized by Ukrainian law as serious crime or felony
A foreigner becomes a Ukrainian citizen on the day of relevant decree of President of Ukraine.
Contact Legal Ideas law firm to get advice on your personal case.